Media Assets for Girl Hidden
Jesse René Gibbs, author of Girl Hidden, a Memoir
Contact Information
Author Bio
Jesse Rene Gibbs, author of Girl Hidden, is now in plain sight having published her heart wrenching memoir that details an upbringing so unbelievable that even the most resilient among us will find it disturbing.
The fact that Jesse lived to tell her story is remarkable. She was born in Rota, Spain, July of 1977, the daughter of Navy officer Dolores Wood, who had had six abortions in the states before Jesse arrived, unwanted. Back in the U.S., her mother put her up for adoption and when that didn’t materialize, Jesse was shuffled off to one of her aunts. Shortly afterwards she was legally adopted by her grandparents who lived in Washington state.
Then Dolores got married, started having a family, and wanted sole custody of Jesse. Jesse’s grandfather complied much to the dismay of her grandmother, and Jesse went to live with the Taylors in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, with her charismatic, narcissist mother and a manipulative stepfather who regularly molested her under the guise of love. When Jesse’s grandmother learned of the abuse, she flew to North Carolina and kidnapped Jesse. A year and half later, Jesse’s mother and a friend abducted seven-year-old Jesse, taking her across state lines and involving the FBI, which lost track of her in the Atlanta airport. At this point in her young life, Jesse suffered memory loss, a trauma response to having been kidnapped a second time.
When the police finally figured out where the Taylors lived and showed up with sirens blaring, Jesse was tossed out a window into a neighbor’s arms and passed around to different houses to keep her hidden for more than two years. Finally, back with the Taylors, she grew up in a purity culture and played the caretaker of her mother and siblings, sacrificing her own emotional well-being and essentially became a martyr, hoping to create a healthier, less toxic home environment.
There were a few magical moments in Jesse’s life in the mountains of North Carolina that she was able to hold onto, which, fortunately, kept her spirit alive: dancing her heart out to the Beach Boys at nine years old and caring for the farm animals, among them.
At nineteen, Jesse escaped to Chicago and ended up at Jesus People USA (JPUSA), a Christian intentional community in Uptown, on the North Side of Chicago, where she lived for twelve years and married one of the residents. Her ten-year marriage to Leonard dissolved in an abusive affair.
Today, Jesse lives happily outside of Seattle, Washington, with her husband whom she met blues dancing. Her best friend, June, who had been through many traumatic years with her, lives close by. Jesse has her own graphic design firm, Esperluette Creative, which focuses on helping real estate agents grow their business and showcase their inventory in unique and innovative ways. When not involved in brand strategies for her clients, Jesse likes to explore other creative outlets including painting. And she still loves to dance!
Book Description
Jesse Rene Gibbs grew up in a deeply damaging purity culture on a farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. At the beginning of her life she lived with loving grandparents who adored her until her narcissistic mother decided that she wanted a personal servant and kidnapped Jesse from them in broad daylight. Jesse lost most of her memory shortly thereafter.
Jesse’s life became a living nightmare, tending to her always pregnant mother and multiple siblings, cooking meals, washing clothes, taking care of the farm animals, and dodging advances from her molester, her stepfather. Jesse’s memoir is a tale of growing up with no one to count on but herself.
When Jesse left home at nineteen and joined an inner-city commune in Chicago, her younger siblings whom she adored thought she would return in a few weeks. She didn’t see them and wasn’t allowed to speak with them for nearly twenty years. Letters Jesse wrote were cut up and sent back as were Christmas and birthday presents. Her mother, a blend of rage, disappointment, and religious command, was filling their heads with lies: Jesse didn’t love them anymore, she was demon-possessed, and more.
It took the author twenty-five years to write Girl Hidden, a roller coaster ride into the depths of evil. Throughout the book, readers will find a love letter or post card from Jesse’s stepfather who treated her like his girlfriend, a notice from the judge in North Carolina, letters from Dolores’s own hand and from parole officers, and a myriad of other documents.
She began writing her story as therapy, culling much information from the journals her grandmother meticulously kept, realizing that one day her granddaughter would want to know the true story in full measure. Through extensive research and piecing together timelines, Jesse ultimately decided to publish in the hopes that other abused children would connect to some of their own trauma and see that it is survivable, that there is beauty and magic in even the darkest of places.
Girl Hidden is the elegantly written story of an unwanted child, born nonetheless and forced into servitude, desperate to protect her siblings and find her way out from under the vicious, manipulative abuses heaped on her by the one person who was supposed to love her unconditionally: her mother.
Girl Hidden, a Memoir
By Jesse René Gibbs
BIO026000 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs
FAM001010 FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Abuse / Child Abuse
FAM052000 FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Dysfunctional Families
Title: Girl Hidden, a Memoir
Author: Jesse René Gibbs
Formats: Print, Audio & eBook
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 262
Price: $16.00 (print) $8.00 (e-book) $14.99 (audiobook)
ISBN: 979-8412658353 (paperback)
ASIN: B09M5ZPX45 (eBook)
ASIN: B09WPF5MW4 (audiobook)
Publisher Contact
Esperluette Creative
936 S. 211th Place
Des Moines, WA 98198
Publicity Contact
Gail M. Kearns
825 E. Pedregosa Street, Suite 2
Santa Barbara, CA 93103